Text Counter

Count the number of characters, spaces, words, lines and more

0 Character(s)

0 Space(s)

0 Words(s)

0 Paragraph(s)

0 Line(s)

Keyword density

WordNumber of times

How to use the Text Counter tool:

Text Counter is tool that counts the number of characters, spaces, words paragraphs and lines shows up in a text

Number of characters: Shows the full number of characters on your text. Spaces, and line breaks, new lines are all considered into the total number of characters. Using the text "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" this will show as 26 characters. Number of spaces: Counts the number of spaces on your text. If you take into account the text "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", it will count 4 total spaces. Number of words: Counts the number of full words on your text. Taking into account the text "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" will show up the number 5 for the word count. Number of paragraphs: Shows the total number of paragraphs on your text. A paragraph is composed by the character \n, which is not visible on the text however it exists internally. That character is used to count the number of paragraphs on your text. A paragraph must have a \n character and start with text. If you consider the text "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet \n Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" it will show up as 2 paragraphs. Number of lines: For the number of lines we use the characters \n which is the newline character but also the \r which is the carriage return. These two characters allow us to get the number of lines from the input text. If you input the following text "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet \r\n \r\n Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet \r\n \r\n Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" will show up as 6 lines. Keyword density table: This will highlight the top 10 keywords that repeat on your text and the number of times each one of them shows up. This is useful for instance if you want to know what words appear the most on a given text for SEO purposes for example.

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